The Descendants of Confederate Veterans
Texas Association
As adopted on June 5, 2005, amended through March 20, 2021
Article I - Name
The name of this Organization shall be "The Descendants of Confederate Veterans, Texas Association (DCV) hereinafter referred to as the Association.
Article II - Purpose and Principles
The Descendants of Confederate Veterans, Texas Association is a genealogical, hereditary and memorial organization and its objectives are declared to be:
patriotic, historical, educational, benevolent, non-political, non-racial and non-sectarian, and shall include those activities intended or designed to perpetuate the memory of those patriots who, by their services or sacrifices during the War Between the States (WBTS) fought for the independence of the Confederate States and the American South;
to unite and promote fellowship among the descendants of patriots and inspire them and the community-at-large with a more profound reverence for the principles of the States Rights governance founded by our forefathers;
to encourage historical research in relation to the War Between the States and to acquire and preserve the records of the individual services of the patriots of the war, as well as documents, relics and landmarks;
to mark the scenes of the War Between the States by appropriate memorials and celebrate the anniversaries of the prominent events of the war and of the 1861-1865 period;
to encourage all members to live their lives according to the motto of the Association; “God, Truth, Honor, Heritage.”
to foster true patriotism and carry out the purposes expressed in the American Declaration of Independence and the injunctions of General Robert E. Lee in his farewell address to the Southern Soldiers; "Go to your homes and resume your occupations. Obey the laws and become as good citizens as you were Soldiers.”
Article III - Governing Body
Section 1. The Association shall be governed by an elected Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the Board. Board members shall serve a three (3) year term and shall be elected by a majority vote of the members present and voting at the Annual Reunion (See Article V, Section 1.). The number of members comprising the Board of Directors is eight (8). The term of each Board member shall be three (3) years and the Board members may not succeed themselves.
Section 1a. Steven S. von Roeder, as Founder of the Descendants of Confederate Veterans (DCV), is a permanent member of the DCV Board of Directors with vote and has all of the privileges, rights and responsibilities of any other Board Member. He may seek election to any Board office in the same manner as any other Board Member and is subject to the same office term limits as any Board Member. His seat would only become vacant should he no longer be a member "in good standing" of the general organization, or due to his resignation from the organization, or any disciplinary reasons taken by the Board of Directors, or his death. His seat on the Board is his alone and will not be filled by another person. If, for any reason he no longer permanently holds his seat on the Board of Directors, the number of Directors on the Board shall be seven (7) and the Constitution/governing document will be altered to so reflect that change.
Section 2. The Board shall elect Board Officers as follows: a President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer and Membership Chairman, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual Reunion. Elected Board Officers will serve a one (1) year term with the option to seek a second one (1) year term. The term of office shall be from one Annual Reunion until the next. Other positions and/or duties may be appointed or assigned by the Board President.
Section 3. The Board shall meet in person at the time and place of each Annual Reunion of the Association. A second scheduled annual “in person” meeting of the Board shall be held on a date occurring after July 1, of each year, the date, time and place to be determined by the Board. Other Board meetings will be held if determined necessary by the Board President or if 4 Board members request such a meeting. In the case of 4 Board members requesting a meeting, the President of the Board will select the time and place of the meeting, after a good faith effort to consult with all Board members in order to insure greatest possible Board attendance. The meeting will take place no later than 45 days after the President receives the request.
Section 4. All Board meetings, as well as the DCV Annual Reunion, are intended to be held in person. In case of emergency (to be defined by the Board of Directors) a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors may authorize an otherwise "in person" Board of Directors meeting or the Annual Reunion to be held by conference telephone or similar communications equipment, i.e. Zoom, so that all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time. Participation by that method constitutes presence in person at a meeting. Such electronic/virtual meetings carry the same authority as in-person meetings and all votes are binding.
Section 4a. Electronic/virtual meetings of the same kind (without the aforementioned emergency) are authorized for all other meetings of the DCV upon recorded majority vote of the appropriate level governing body. A fifteen (15) day notice of an electronic/virtual meeting shall be given to the membership at that level, i.e. Chapter, remembering that all membership meetings are intended to be held in person where possible. All possible assistance should be provided so that any member who desires to attend virtually may do so. No proxy voting will be allowed at any level of the DCV.
Section 4b. It is recognized that routine business may need to be conducted when the Board is not in session and the President of the Board will have the authority to act on behalf of the Association in the interim between Board meetings.
Section 5. All Board members and prospective Board members must be in good standing at the time of their election. A Board member whose status changes to one of "not in good standing" during his term will be ineligible to continue serving as a member of the Board unless and until reinstated by the Board. (See Article IV, Section 6)
Section 6. Should a Board member’s seat become vacant due to death, resignation, removal from the Board for disciplinary reasons, etc., the Board President will have the option of appointing a member to fill that seat until a replacement can be elected at the next Reunion of the Association or leaving the seat vacant until a replacement can be elected at the next Reunion of the Association.
Article IV – Membership
Section 1. All legitimate descendants, lineal or collateral, of those who served in the Confederate Army or Navy or State Troops* to the end of the war, or who died in prison or while in actual service, or who were killed in battle or who were honorably retired or discharged, and descendants of elected or appointed officials of the Confederate or Executive branch of the civil government at the State level or above shall be eligible for membership in this Association, provided that no member admitted under the age of (18) years shall be eligible to vote or hold office until they have attained the age of (18) years.
* “State Troops” shall include troops raised by any of the states or parts of states belonging to the Confederacy, whether for defense of that state or part of that state, or to serve otherwise in the cause of the Confederacy.
Section 1a. Membership in the Descendants of Confederate Veterans shall be obtained by being either a member of a Chapter or being a member at-large. Being a member at-large requires that a Chapter not be geographically close enough to the member to make attendance at meetings practical or that some other circumstance exists that will be determined sufficient by the Board on an individual basis.
Section 2. The term "collateral" as used in Section 1 hereof shall be defined as a legitimate relative by blood whose relationship to an ancestor of the same generation in the applicant's direct line can be proven.
Section 3. Annual Dues and all fees of the Association shall be set by the Board of Directors.
Section 4. If an individual who is the son or daughter of either a Confederate soldier or other person who makes him or her eligible for membership in the Association wishes to join the Association, having completed the standard membership application, he or she shall not be required to pay application fees, membership fees, or any fees such as registration and meal fees, associated with the annual reunion of the Association.
Section 5. The Board shall set the amount of Life Membership dues. Life membership applicants shall be reviewed and admitted or rejected by a majority vote of the Board. A pin and membership certificate, approved by the Board, designating the member as a Life Member of the Association will be issued following proper payment of all dues/fees. There will no charge to the member for the initial pin or certificate.
Section 6. All members shall be in “good standing” prior to being permitted to participate in any activities or meetings of the Association. A member is not in good standing if he or she is under investigation for any conduct designated in the disciplinary section of this Constitution. Any member who has been expelled or suspended is not in good standing. Any member who is not current with his dues is not in good standing. (See Article VIII, Section 3)
Section 7. Following an applicant’s approval for membership he or she will be sent a member certificate and lapel pin approved by the Board.
Section 8. The Chapter will be the judge of its membership for applicants and disciplinary action brought at the Chapter level. The Membership Committee will determine the eligibility of each at-large applicant. In all cases an applicant’s membership must be based on the application form information and the required recommendation of current members. In addition every applicant must be of good character and high moral and ethical standards. No applicant will be excluded for reasons of race, creed, color or national origin. All decisions regarding memberships as determined by the Membership Committee and/or the Board shall be final.
Section 9. The Descendants of Confederate Veterans welcomes membership from outside of Texas. When sufficient members are available they shall form into Chapters. When these Chapters are of sufficient numbers to organize, their individual State organizations shall be called a Society. Each Chapter and Society will have its own Constitution and all such Chapters and Societies will fall under the governance of the DCV Constitution and Bylaws.
Article V – Association Organization
Section 1. The Association shall hold annually an Annual reunion of its members, the date of which will be the first quarter of each calendar year. (See Article VII, Section I).
The members in attendance at the reunion shall elect such Board member positions as required to fill vacated seats.
Section 2. The term of office of all members of the Board shall commence immediately upon adjournment of the last session of the Annual Reunion at which they were elected to office, provided that the retiring members shall remain in office until every function of the Annual Reunion at which their terms expire is discharged.
Section 3. A simple majority of the members shall constitute a quorum of the Board.
Section 4. Special meetings of the Association may be called at any time at the request of 20% of the members or by four (4) Board members.
Section 5. For business and other purposes the fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year.
Article VI – Chapter Organization
Section 1. Five or more persons in possession of the prescribed eligibility qualifications may petition the Association Board of Directors for permission to form a Chapter.
Section 2. When the petition of the applying Chapter has been examined and found to be correct by the Board President, and it has been ascertained that all conditions have been complied with, the petition will be granted.
Section 3. Before any Chapter is admitted, it must appear from the petition that individual membership applications are on file with the Association, in proper form. The Board shall have the authority to set all requirements for acceptance of a Chapter, including compliance with the Association Constitution and the amount of fees, if any.
Section 4. The minimum members of the Chapter shall be five. Any Chapter whose membership is below five at the end of a fiscal year will be suspended and remaining members encouraged to assimilate into other Chapters or remain in the DCV as “at-large” members.
Section 5. Each Chapter shall elect officers as they see fit, provided that at a minimum the following officers; a President, a Vice President and a Secretary, are elected. Additional officers may be appointed or elected as desired.
Section 6. All Chapters shall have the full enjoyment of the right to govern themselves and have sole control over all their Chapter assets, within the guidelines and Constitution of the Association.
Section 7. Chapter officers shall have their duties defined by the Constitution of the Chapters that create them, provided the duties so defined are not in conflict with the provisions of this Constitution.
Section 8. No Chapter may attempt or be permitted to withdraw from the Association and continue its activities as a separate Chapter representing the Descendants of Confederate Veterans.
Article VII – Meetings
Section 1. The Legislative Body of the Association shall be the Annual Reunion, the date, time and place to be fixed by the preceding Association Reunion or by the Board. (See Article V, Section 1)
Section 2. Notice of every reunion shall be given at least thirty (30) days prior to the date for it to convene.
Section 3. The most recent version of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority at all levels of the Descendants of Confederate Veterans.
Section 4. Voting at the Annual Reunion and other official Association meetings shall be by the “one member-one vote” method whereby each member in good standing who attends and who has proper credentials will be entitled to vote on any and all issues requiring a vote. A quorum required in order to conduct business at Annual Reunions and other official Association meetings unless otherwise stated in this document shall be 5% of the current membership.
Section 5. It is the policy of the Association that local meetings, either formal or informal, of Association members are encouraged, toward the goal of formal establishment of local chapters. Our Association is founded on the camaraderie and fraternity that is natural with men and women of common goals and values, and working in close cooperation with other members is vital toward the fulfillment of our mission.
Section 6. Discussion of matters that appertain to a political party, whether specifically identified or identified by implication, during meetings of the Association or any of its subdivisions is strictly prohibited. Nothing in this Constitution, however, shall be construed to abridge or prohibit the adoption or advocacy of positions that are concerned with the general welfare of the United States of America or its national security nor to abridge or prohibit the expressions of the mind of the Association in such matters by the adoption of resolutions or petitioning the Executive and Legislative branches of the Government, provided that there is no identification, specific or implied, with any political party.
Section 7. In furtherance of the constitutionally ascribed purposes and principles of this Association, the following salutary and honorific practices are adopted and mandatory for all meetings at all levels of the Association and at all activities, where practical:
Appropriate display of the Flag of the United States of America (modern), the Texas Flag, the South Carolina Flag, a Confederate Flag and the DCV Flag.
Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States
Recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag
Recitation of the Salute to the Confederate Flag as follows: “I salute the Confederate Flag, with affection, reverence, and undying remembrance.” The proper form of salute will be by either placing the right hand over the heart as in the pledges to the United States or Texas flags, or by displaying an upturned palm, with the arm being extended in front of the body at approximately waist level.
Delivery of an appropriate opening invocation prayer
Conclude the meeting with an appropriate benediction prayer
Article VIII – Dues
Section 1. The revenue of the Association shall be derived from dues and fees and from such other sources as may be approved by the Board.
Section 2. The annual dues and all fees in the Association shall be set by the Board, subject to the will of the Association Reunion. A nonrefundable application fee will be paid to the Association at the time the applicant submits his or her application. An individual joining the Association after the first quarter of the year will have his or her dues pro rated on a quarterly basis. Local dues and/or fees will be at the discretion of the local entity.
Section 3. Member dues shall be due and payable on January 1. After March 1, a $5.00 late fee must be included with the dues. If the total amount of dues is not received by May 1, the member will be dropped from the rolls of the Association. Any insufficient dues and/or fees that have been paid will be returned to the member. Should this occur and the member is an officer of the Association or a member of the Board, that position will be deemed vacant.
Paying annual dues and a “re-admittance” fee shall reinstate any member whose dues have lapsed longer than four months and who is otherwise in good standing.
Article IX – Disciplinary Matters
Section 1. Any member may be expelled, suspended, censured, reprimanded, removed from office, or have other disciplinary action taken against him or her for cause. Such cause shall include, but is not limited to, disloyalty to the Association, neglect of duty, misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance of office; dishonesty; conduct unbecoming a member of the Association; act(s) or conduct detrimental to the goals and objectives of the Association.
Section 2. Any disciplinary action of the nature described above will be taken following a hearing at the level at which the charges are brought (Chapter, Society, etc.). A simple majority of the votes of the members present will be sufficient to enact any disciplinary action. Hearings for the purpose of possible disciplinary action shall not be held electronically. Prior to any hearing, the body convening the hearing shall ensure that a full and impartial investigation into any charges against a member has been undertaken and that a complete report of that investigation is given at the hearing.
No hearing or vote on suspension or expulsion shall be taken unless at least thirty (30) calendar days’ notice shall have been given the member. All charges shall be stated in writing along with the time and place of the meeting of the Board at which the charges shall be considered. The notice shall be transmitted to the member by registered mail.
Any member so disciplined has the right to appeal if he/she does not agree with the findings of a disciplinary hearing. That appeal must be filed in writing by the member within 30 days of the notice of the finding with the next highest level of the Association. The final level of appeal is the Association Reunion, whose decision is final.
Article X – Amendments
Section 1. No amendment shall be made to this Constitution except at a duly constituted Annual Reunion of the Association and by a two-thirds affirmative vote of all members present in good standing. Prior to any amendment being considered it shall have been sent either electronically to the member's last known e-mail address or via U.S. Mail to each member of the Association at least thirty (30) days prior to the convening of the Association Reunion at which it will be considered. Amendments passed by the Association at the annual reunion will become effective on the calendar day following that reunion unless otherwise specified in the amendment itself.
Article XI – Dissolution Clause
Section 1. In the event of dissolution, the residual assets of the DESCENDANTS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS, TEXAS ASSOCIATION shall be turned over to an organization which is then officially recognized as a tax exempt organization, qualified to receive donations which are deductible by the donor under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Board of Directors shall determine. Such distribution shall only be made after said Board has paid or has made provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the DESCENDANTS OF CONFEDERATE VETERANS, TEXAS ASSOCIATION.
Adopted By the Board of Directors
In open session this
5th day of June in 2005 the year of our Lord.
Attested to by, Stephen J. Lucas, President of the Board of Directors
Amended this 20th day of March, 2021
Attested to by, Stephen J. Lucas, President of the Board of Directors
Copyright © 2005-2023
Descendants of Confederate Veterans
Texas Association
Austin, Texas